We are very excited this year to offer our Family Sukkot service at the Aravah Sukkot Festival in Hopland on Sunday Oct 20th 10am (at the site that was formally the Solar Living Institute). Aravah Sukkot Festival is a pluralistic Jewish community gathering to celebrate the harvest festival and embrace the season of rain. Through our collaboration, Kol HaEmek members may attend the Sunday morning family service at the festival for FREE (plus, we are welcome to stay for an additional session after the service at no charge)! For location or to receive a discount code, email kolhaemekrv@gmail.com
If you plan to attend the Kol HaEmek service on Sunday Oct 20th 10am, please RSVP to https://donorbox.org/events/694879 so we can get a headcount, and know how many to expect at the gate Sunday morning.
Our service will be lead by Kohenet Rayna Grace, and will explore four elements of Sukkot: We will shake lulavim (earth), pray for rain and healing with song and dance (water), blow shofar (air), and explore the temple practice of lighting giant candelabras for Sukkot (fire). This will be a song-filled and interactive service. All are welcome, with a special invitation to children and families.
You are invited to bring: Lulav made from four species. Water from a source that is sacred to you that we will add to our collective well of prayers for good rain and healing throughout the world this year. Shofars!
There are a lot of really wonderful workshops, rituals and celebrations being planned at the festival. Do check out the website to see! https://www.aravahfestival.com/
Join artists, activists, entrepreneurs, Rabbis, creators, families, elders, healers, psychonauts, ritualists, and everyone in between, from across California and beyond, as we come together to build solidarity across our differences.
Immerse yourself in the playful spirit of Sukkot with live music, DJs, shtick, emergent performances, workshops, talks, and more. Sing, dance, create art, and co-create unique moments.
Engage in pluralistic Jewish prayer, musical Shabbat services, and Sukkot rituals. Explore dedicated spaces for grief and reflection, explore Jewish altar making, and participate in embodied practices that honor our rich traditions and embrace new ones. Celebrate your joy and return your grief to the land and water.